I think this is a great color model of Snow White. Excellent pose. Good notations, with lots of different colors. From an educational standpoint, a great example to use when describing the animation process to newcomers...
Snow White Color Model Sheet (click to enlarge)

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From “Ingeborg Willy’s Scrapbook” (1936-1937). A scrapbook of photos, pencil drawings and other items put together by Ingeborg Willy, who was an inker for Disney from 11/23/36 to 11/26/41 and who died in 1999. Acquired 1998. SeqID-0243 Updated: 7/28/2005
What a collection of treasures that Ingeborg Willy's Scrapbook is. I keep coming back and looking again and again. These drawings are unlike most of the Snow White material out there. Thanks again for sharing it with us.