This is the first real background that we purchased. The seller indicated that it was attributed to Claude Coats, but I have no specific verification of that fact.
I was blown away by the detail and forced perspective in the background. Notice the shape of the framed pictures to provide an additional sense of speed.
There were three additional cels that came with the piece: Lady, Si, and Am. We positioned the cels to provide a realistic set-up. The cels are un-trimmed (since I hate the process of cutting out the images and applying them to another cel). Today, I'd probably just frame the background and leave out the cels or have the cels trimmed and applied to a long piece of acetate.
Here's the wide-shot and some close-ups... Don't forget to Click on the images to see enlargements.
Coats Pan Master Background

I tried to follow Rob Richard's lead and re-create the background from the DVD. I pulled down a bunch of screen captures and was able to take out most of the cat images, with the exception of the closing of the scene when the cloth was moved and water spilled on the piano. Here's what I ended up with and a few of the captures...
Where I stopped trying to re-create the background...

Some of the original captures...

Finally, here's the framed piece...

----- DATABASE NOTES -----
From “Lady and the Tramp” (1955). This is one of the larger pan masters backgrounds and includes cels of Lady, Si, and Am. The background is attributed to animator Claude Coats. [Image: 54.24"W x 11"H. Frame: 62.5"W x 18"H] Acquired 1992. SeqID-0057 Updated: 7/15/2005
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